Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Updates for 2018

Welcome farm followers!

We wanted to update you all to make sure you have our current information correctly. We are gearing up for the Upstate SC Farm Tour on June 9-10 from 1:00-6:00 PM each day. Our farm address is 5251 Hwy #184E Donalds, SC 29638. We have a new website: there you should be able to find more recent info. We are about to open our Farm Store/Bakeshop! Very exciting. We will try and be more forthcoming with information. Time just seems to get away from me more and more each day. June Lord willing will bring many exciting things to our family. We are expecting the birth of our 19th grandchild! Yay!!!

Hopefully you all are well! Please drop by our website and let us know what you think. It’s an ongoing work in progress.

Thanks again,